Aubrey Bertino

Aubrey Bertino is the Editor in Chief for the Diablo Dispatch. She loves writing, music, and art in all its forms.

SaddleCrack School District switching to AI Teachers

The 21st century is starting to look more and more like a science fiction film everyday, and our school is no exception to these...

The Last of Us makes it’s Debut

After its release in 2013, the video game The Last of Us has gained a massive following of dedicated fans. The beautiful graphics combined...

Merry Cheap-mas!

     This holiday season, like many before it, people are searching for good gifts that won’t break the bank. But nowadays, those can be hard...

Veterans Day: Not Just a Day off School

November 11th is Veterans Day, a holiday that many people take advantage of instead of honoring. To most Americans, Veterans Day is just a...

Seaworld’s Howl-o-Scream: There’s not much to scream about

There are a lot of theme park haunts going on right now, and while many are enjoyable, Seaworld's Howl-o-Scream didn’t make a splash. This...

Mr. Hixson: From Student to Teacher

 Christopher Hixson is the brand new drama teacher here at Mission Viejo High School. We are so lucky to have this MVHS alumni and...