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Holiday Recipes


By Ethan Haque

The festive month of December is a time of year where the taste of the season is implemented into the food giving it a warm and familiar flavor that is reminiscent of the holidays.

The holiday season is considered to be one of the happiest times of the year. The food that we make is no exception to this rule with strong and developed flavors that will rock your taste buds.

Some of the most seasonal ingredients include but are not limited to peppermint, cinnamon, cranberries, pumpkin, and nutmeg.

The fall and winter season are able to use these flavors in some traditional dishes such as pumpkin pie, eggnog, and beef wellington made from scratch. There is fun in cooking your own delicious morsels. They are able to bring a smile to anyone who has the delight of consuming one as long as you do not stray too far from the recipes provided. They should turn decent upon your first time baking theme.

The first recipe is going to be pumpkin pie. The ingredients that will be needed to produce this delight are as follows one (15oz) can of pumpkin, one(14oz) can of Eagle Brand Sweetened condensed milk, 2 large eggs, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon,1⁄2 teaspoon of ground ginger, 1⁄2 teaspoon of nutmeg, 1⁄2 teaspoon of salt, and 1(9in) unbaked pie crust.

Take all the ingredients and whisk them together all at once and then whisk until stiff peaks form or a fluffy consistency is achieved. Pour the batter into the pie crust and bake at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes. Then reduce to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and continue to cook for about 35 to 45 minutes. Serve with any toppings that you find to be of interest. you’ve made a delicious pumpkin pie that was not to difficult to put together.

Now to wash down that delish pie, some festive eggnog. Eggnog does contain raw eggs but is slightly heated to kill off any salmonella within the drink. This recipe will make about eight to ten glasses of eggnog. You will need 6 large eggs, 2 egg yolks, 1⁄2 cup of sugar (add more if wanted), 1⁄4 teaspoon of salt, 4 cups of whole milk, 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, 1⁄2 teaspoon of grated nutmeg, and 1⁄4 cup of heavy cream. Finally, garnish with a little extra nutmeg to enhance the overall flavor.

Combine the eggs, egg yolks, sugar, and salt in a heavy 3-or 4-quart pan, whisking until well-combined. Continuously add in the milk while stirring. Continue to whisk until the milk is fully incorporated. Turn on the stove to the lowest possible setting. Place the pan with the mixture onto the burner and continuously whisk the mixture. It should thicken enough to coat the back of a spoon over 45 to 60 minutes for this to occur.

Strain the mixture to remove any unwanted impurities. Add the vanilla extract and the nutmeg into the mixture and stir in thoroughly. Place in a glass pitcher or decanter to chill in the fridge for a minimum of 4 hours before serving.

When ready to serve the drink pour the heavy cream into a large bowl and whisk vigorously until achieving soft peaks. Then fold the custard mixture with the whipped cream.

Now, you’re ready to serve in a chilled glass that is garnished with extra nutmeg after pouring the drink into the cold glass.

If you don’t like sweets so much and are craving a delicious feast then beef wellington will be the perfect dish to cook. Its essential a piece of meat that is wrapped in multiple layers ending with puff pastry to top it off.

This recipe will feed about four people and is extremely decadent. You will need an 800g piece of beef filet of even thickness(from the center cut; think the shape of a log), 2tbsp of olive oil, English mustard, sea salt, freshly ground black pepper, 700g of chestnut mushrooms, a handful of cooked chestnuts( about 10 to 12), 1 garlic clove peeled and chopped, 2 thyme sprigs(leaves only), 8 slices of Parma ham, 500g of ready-made puff pastry, and 2 egg yolks lightly beaten with 1 tbsp of water.

To start season your meat thoroughly with salt and pepper to your liking. Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan over a high heat, add the fillet and quickly sear the outside all over for about 5 minutes until evenly browned, turning as necessary. Transfer to a plate and while still hot, brush all over with mustard. Set aside to rest.

Now we move onto making our duxelles, put the mushrooms, chestnuts, and garlic in a food processor with a little salt and pepper and blend to a fine paste, stopping to scrape down the sides a few times. Heat a dry large frying pan. Scrape the mushroom paste into the pan and add the thyme leaves. Cook over a high heat, stirring occasionally, to drive off the moisture and intensify the flavor. The duxelles must be sufficiently dry otherwise it will make the pastry soggy; the mixture should adhere easily. Spread out on a tray to cool for a few minutes.

Place a large piece of cling film on a clean surface. Lay the Parma ham slices on top, overlapping them slightly, to form a rough rectangle large enough to envelop the beef fillet, making sure there are no gaps. Season the ham with a few twists of pepper but no salt because it has naturally high salt content, with a palette knife, spread the duxelles on top, leaving a 2.5cm margin along the edges. Lay the beef fillet along the middle of the mushroom duxelle. Keeping a tight hold of the cling film from the outside edges, neatly roll the Parma ham and duxelles over the beef into a tight barrel shape. Twist the ends of the cling film to secure. Refrigerate for 15 minutes to firm up.

Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to a large rectangle, brush with some of the egg wash. Unwrap the beef from the cling film and place it in the middle. Leaving a large enough rectangle to wrap around the beef, trim off the excess pastry. Roll the pastry around the beef to envelop it and then press the edges to seal. Pinch the pastry at the ends to seal and trim off the excess. Wrap the log tightly in cling film and chill for 10 minutes, or overnight if you are preparing ahead preferably.

Preheat the oven to 375. Remove the cling film and brush the large parcel all over with egg wash. Lightly score the pastry in a decorative pattern so when it cooks you get a cool effect to happen if you wish. Place on a baking tray, sprinkle with salt and bake for about 35 minutes; if the pastry appears to be browning too quickly, lower the setting slightly. Leave to rest in a warm place for about 15 minutes before cutting into thick slices to serve, with the friends and family.

Now you are ready to serve a meal to whomever you wish. You have a desert, holiday-themed drink, and a delicious entree that can be served with an array of sides to your heart’s content. Enjoy this themed course and happy holidays.

Nice to Meet You, I’m WINter Sports


By Rachel Soo

(Photo By Jeff Antenore, Contributing Photographer)

Freeze, literally! Mission Viejo winter sports aren’t something to be missed!

    “MVHS sports” – when you look that up in a Google search browser, the first four results that appear are schools, and they’re listed as follows: Mission Viejo (that’s us, go Diablos!), Mountain View, Murrieta Valley, and Monte Vista.

    On Yahoo, the schools listed are Metea Valley, Mountain View, Mount Vernon, and Mountain View again. Bing is the same.

    Clearly there are a lot of MVHS’ out there. But, as is commonly known, Google is the greatest of all search engines, and Google puts us first, in our rightful place.

    Mission Viejo High School is great at many things. Academics? Yup. Music? Yup. Athletics? Yup- wait, no- that’s a double yup.  

    From football to track and field, from soccer to swimming, Mission has it all. But which sports have been chosen as today’s spotlight? Subjected to the cold, California winters, where days are much shorter than nights, if you said “winter sports”, you’d be correct!

    Diabloathletics.com has all the answers (that’s google’s first result for ‘MVHS sports’ by the way). Hover over the “winter sports” tab, and you’ll find six lucky winners: boys soccer, girls soccer, boys basketball, girls basketball, boys wrestling, and girls water polo.

    Starting with girls soccer, they’re beginning the season with a promising start. Last year, according to Volume 52 of El Viejo, they made it all the way to CIF, with a total of four wins and eight ties out of 20 games. This year, they have three teams, Frosh/Soph, Junior Varsity, and Varsity, competing for number one.

    Boys soccer ended strong last year, making it to round two of CIF and leaving a record of seven wins and three ties out of 18 games. With a Frosh/Soph, JV, and Varsity team going at it again this year, it’s certain that they’ll go far.

    With five teams, Freshman, Freshman 2, Sophomore, JV, and Varsity, big things should be expected from boys basketball this year. After all, making it to CIF last year with 52% of their games ending in a win is no small feat.

    Varsity athlete Zack Gald said this when asked about the upcoming season: “I can’t see the future, but I felt like we are cutting down the nets sometime soon.”

    Girls basketball has the traditional three teams this year, and after have had five wins last year, they hope for a big comeback.

    Boys wrestling tied their wins and losses last year, going three for each, and although wrestling may not be a big sport, it’s certain that they have big things in store for this year.

    Lastly, girls water polo, the perfect sport to play during the coldest months of the year. After having downsized considerably from last year, we’re hoping that the Frosh/Soph and Varsity teams can pull through and come out on top.

    One of the captains of the Varsity team, Camielle Underwood, said, “This season I am looking forward to winning a lot of games and getting closer together as a team […] we need to work on being more confident when we shoot the ball in games, but overall we work really well together.”

    You heard it here first, folks! Fresh off the press! Grab your popcorn and a drink from the snack bar and hold onto the bleachers – get ready for a thrilling season of winter sports!

Across the Country

photo credits to diabloxc.com

By Jacob Schwarz and Madison Burnam

The MVHS Girls Varsity Cross Country team pushed new heights this past season, breaking almost every school record their team previously held and finishing their season with the best of the best.

    Cross country has never been an easy sport, and even varsity runner Morgan Calcagnie will admit, “This sport is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.” But, as these MVHS girls continued to impress everyone and finish at the top throughout their season, they will all agree that the pain that comes with the races and the months of training they put in were well worth it.

    This year, Diablo girls cross country made history. They had the fastest girls cross country team to ever grace MVHS and also had many other record breaking performances throughout the season.

    The Girls Varsity Cross Country team not only won Orange County Championships, but continued their victory tour by placing first in the South Coast League and second in CIF. Their crowning achievement was their unbelievable ranking of third in the state of California, earned at the state meet in Clovis that finished off their season.  

    Along with team success, the girls also performed well as individuals, with Emma Hicken placing 8th in California.

    This success was not achieved easily by the team. “With 6 out of the 7 varsity runners being seniors we have been through it all together and we know how hard we’ve all worked,” expressed Calcagnie. This team has gone through high school together and their years of work have paid off.

    The Mission Viejo Girls Varsity Cross Country team consists of Kelli Hines, Emma Hicken, Morgan Calcagnie, Ashley Johnson, Sophie Mendelson, Lauryn Simons, and Patricia Hopkins. Alternates include Grace Fulwiler, Caitlin Ree, Katie Hulse, Madi Fawcett and Ella Stannard.  

    When discussing cross country it is impossible to ignore the legend of Kelli Hines, who is known everywhere for her prowess in the sport. She has broken countless school records, she has the fastest cross country time of any girl that has ever attended MVHS, and is attending Yale in the upcoming fall(where she will continue to pursue her running career while also taking on IVY League academics).           

    The varsity team as a whole has endured hard work and mental toughness and in return they achieved success multiple times during their long journey of being athletes.  Their cross country journey is now over but they ended on a high note and now have track season to look forward to. “This was the best season we have ever had and I am so proud and grateful for this team. However, not being able to run with them next year will be one of the hardest things ever,” contends Ashley Johnson, a junior.

    If their track seasons is anything like this last cross country season, these girls will be unbelievable. Kelli Hines was able to make state in the mile her freshman year so will most likely not have a problem getting there again, Ashley Johnson won CIF for the 800M and additionally finished 5th in the state of CA last year in the 800M(as a sophomore!) so watch out for her taking the W at state this year. Also watch out for the rest of their cross country team who will likely make it to CIF Finals or State this year for track!

    If you see this girls please thank them for bringing our MVHS XC program DIABLO PRIDE and make sure to head down to the track for a meet if you wanna see these speedy ladies in action.

Lydia Curry’s 5-Step Guide to Cuffing


Advice you should totally (not) follow in order to find a relationship this season.

   We all love it when we’ve got somebody… don’t lie to yourself. Humans need outside validation in order to feel good about themselves, especially considering the fact that love is a necessity for humans.

Think about what the human brain can do: how it thinks about itself and how complex and diverse humans are in attitude, learning, and personalities. You can’t honestly think that this just came about through “science.”

Because science is a myth, it’s been proven.

     Anyways back to cuffing season… I introduce you to my 5-step plan to finding yourself someone— anyone, honestly, I know you’re desperate— this fall (or any time or year, frankly).

Step #1… Know what you like.

It is very important to know what you like when trying to find someone. You have to know yourself, love yourself and quite frankly respect yourself in order to know, love and respect someone else. That’s just the FACTS!

Seriously, though, it’s very important at a young age to know what your own interests and goals for the relationship are before you just dive into it (this is how you end up with people crying at 2am because they cuffed a a… jerk to put it in nicer terms.

On top of that, you need to know what you actually like, if you know what I’m saying ;).

Step #2… Locating the Cuffee (it’s French, look it up)

This is very important (actually all of the steps are important, since there’s only five). The best way to locate a cuffing buddy or partner is through your friends or just sliding into those DMs.

Though, the smoothest way to slide into someone’s DMs is through their Snapchat (I bet you didn’t know swiping up is just sliding in, but up! :)).

You can also do things the old fashioned way and choose a random person in a crowd and obsessively stalk them until you find out their name, address, date of birth, class schedule, grades and if they like mac n’ cheese or not (would recommend for beginners!).

Step #3… Talking to the Cuffee

Unfortunately, I cannot reveal all my love guru secrets in this article (but you can buy my Confessions Of A Teenage Love Guru book set on Amazon for only $49.99), but the best advice I can give is be the BEST version of yourself when talking to this person.

Don’t be someone you’re not. For example, you can’t be an oatmeal raisin cookie and then trick them into thinking you’re chocolate chip (IT’S NOT FUNNY >:0!).

Step #4… Actually asking the Cuffee on a date

I cannot stress this enough, my dudes! This is so important. You need to actually hang out with your Cuffee in person because, trust me, people’s online/texting personality is way different from their face-to-face personality. When texting, you can lose context and tone, so when you see them you need to lick their face.

You can also need get a feel for their normal tone of voice and that other probably important stuff too, I guess. So pony up and ask your Cuffee out, even if it’s through text! But, it’s even better when you do it in person, now you’re horsing up!

Step #5… Securing the Cuff

ACTUALLY THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE ENTIRE ARTICLE (NOT REALLY, BUT STILL). Now, let’s say you’ve been dating your Cuffee for a whole eight days and you’ve decided to take your relationship to the next level, and I’m not just talking about being seen together in public ;).

You have decided it is now time for marriage. Marriage is a sacred institution (legal document) that will bind you (trap you) for the rest of your life.

Since you haven’t talked to your Cuffee about any of the things you may actually fight about in your marriage like financial needs, realistic work goals in life, and how you actually hate that they call you boo-boo bear, it’s time to get married.

So pop that question, hide the ring in a little teddy bear and stick it under the Christmas tree, then plan for a May wedding and have your mom invite that girl that used to tell her that you had a school project after school and then wait in your bedroom for you until you got home.

Or if you aren’t interested in marriage because of the alarmingly high divorce rates in our country, you can always kill your Cuffee and keep them in a refrigerated box under your bed :).

If breaking up with them is easier since murder isn’t quite for everybody, then go for it.

If we’re being completely honest here… breaking up with someone is difficult and murder may seem like the easy way out, but the best thing to do when breaking up with someone is to be honest, not brutally honest like a punch to the stomach, but honest about why you’re breaking up with them, like a light slap in the face because it’s going to hurt.

Ideas for an Exciting New Year’s Eve

By Eja Fromm

Here are some ideas for those who are unsure how they will spend their New Years Eve.

    There are many options for celebrating New Years Eve. Here are some ideas to make this new year memorable.

     Hanging out with friends or family instantly makes this celebration exciting. Throwing a simple get together can be as fun as a huge party.

    Throughout the US there are many open invite events held every year. The most famous one is the New Year’s Eve celebration in Times Square, New York. This traditional celebration gains national attention as it’s aired across the country and even has many famous singers for entertainment.

   Another idea is going out to dinner as plenty of restaurants may be open until midnight. Remember to make reservations because it’ll be a busy night.

    Throwing a party yourself isn’t difficult either. Make sure to include activities, food, and entertainment so people don’t get bored.

    There are a lot of options for fun party food. Something simple like ordering pizza is easy and will satisfy guests. People do not have to be creative or go all out to have good food.

    Speaking of food, throwing a potluck is something many will enjoy. For those who don’t know, it’s a get-together where everyone brings food. The host just provides a location with some entertainment.

    Some families have New Years traditions. For example, many families light fireworks or bang on pots and pans when the countdown ends. Starting a tradition is easy too and doesn’t have to be crazy.

    Some neighborhoods will have a block party filled with bouncy houses, games, food, and of course the neighborhood. Everybody can pitch in to help as well.

    For those who don’t feel like being social, they can always stay in. Just relax and not stress about hosting anybody.        

   Another option is having a few friends over. Everyone can celebrate by making as much noise as possible when the clock hits 12:00.

    If the weather’s nice, a barbecue is always good. However it requires someone who can barbeque and a backyard which isn’t hard to find.

    Some cannot bear the idea of the holidays being over, so throw one last holiday party. The guests can make hot chocolate and eat holiday cookies-nobody’s judging.

    This idea is risky due to it being winter but throw a beach bonfire. It is a free for all to roast food and enjoy the beach. Before sending out invitations for this, make sure it will not be freezing cold or pouring rain.

    Pajama parties are not everyone’s cup of tea, but go for it if you like that. Guests just wear pajamas and wait out the clock. This way everyone is comfy and still having a good time.

    Living in Southern California has its perks as many have a pool. Throwing a pool party is fun but check the temperature before you plan this. A heated pool means happy friends.

    Many hotels have events for the New Year. Some people’s parents will even dish out a small fortune to rent out a ballroom for a party.

    All in all there are many options for celebrating this new year. From going all out to doing nothing, make this new year count.

Dear Prudence: Advice Column


By Nicole Burns

Won’t you open up your eyes? Prudent advice from a high school sophomore.

I feel like when someone doesn’t respond to my text, they hate me. How do I stop?

    Have you ever watched your phone ring or light up with a text, but you were in the middle of something so you didn’t respond right away? It works both ways. Sometimes, it’s just not that deep. I know being a chronic overthinker is pretty much a hobby these days, but you have to acknowledge that sometimes people are busy and they’ll get around to your text when they have time.

How do I manage school and emotional stress?

    I was about to ask you the same exact thing.

How do I actually manage school and emotional stress?

    Truthfully, there is not one correct answer. But some methods for this stress include: staying organized, spending time with friends who are healthy for you, not procrastinating, going to bed at a reasonable time every night, not spending too much time on social media, not wishing that you could be as ‘perfect’ as you perceive certain people to be, making time for fun, and trying to put daily things into your life that refresh yourself (ex: watching netflix if that’s what you need, eating ice cream, meditating, etc.)

    Although none of us actually do all of these things (well atleast not daily), putting good habits such as these into your life can make you a much happier and less stressed human being.

I already have senioritis, what should I do?

    If you have senioritis, you just wanna finish up and graduate right? You can’t graduate if you give up and stop doing your work. Down some Advil (Safely, don’t kill your liver), drink water, and suffer through the year like the rest of us.

I have a crush on this guy at school, but I’m always too afraid to say hi to him. What should I do?

    Be confident! I know it’s intimidating, but working up courage is really important.

    Just a quick “hi” during a passing period can show him that you care enough to take the time to acknowledge him, and it’s human reflex for him to say hi back. Once you do it, it’ll boost your confidence even more.

    And who knows, maybe your crush is just too afraid to say “hi” too. You never know until you try.

(NOTE: Know that it is cuffing season. People are in need of relationships right now.)

My friend makes me feel bad for something that I do and I told her I don’t like it, but she still does it… How do you know when to cut off a friend?

    A real friend would never shame you for being yourself. As much as you may like this friend, it’s obvious she can’t handle accepting you for the things you love or do.

    She may not understand that what she views as a joke is actually hurtful. Confronting her about whatever is bothering you could make her see how you’re feeling and could make her ultimately stop so that your friendship could hopefully resume.

    And if this friend still continues to hurt you after you confronted her about how you’re feeling when she makes fun of you for something that you do, it is time to isolate yourself.


Photo credits to BGR.com

By Madelyn Novick

Comic book fans across the world are having to cope with the tragic loss of comic book legend, Stan Lee.

    Stan Lee was a very well-known comic book artist and creator. Many consider him the Godfather of comic books due to his various famous creations.

     Lee’s cause of death was recently revealed, even though the famous artist died on November 12th after being rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. His death certificate lists his cause of death to be both heart and respiratory failure caused by aspiration pneumonia, which occurs when food, saliva, or stomach acid is inhaled into your lungs.

    Lee was the creator of various famous Marvel comic book characters during his time as Editor-in-Chief of Marvel Comics, including Spider-Man, Iron Man, Black Panther, Thanos, the Fantastic Four, The Avengers, The X-Men, and so many more. It’s almost impossible to find a corner of Marvel comics he was not involved in creating.

    During his time, Lee’s passion could be felt by the fans. Lee also made various talks about topics that mattered to him, such as redefining the Comics Code Authority, discrimination, intolerance, and drugs.

    Lee was also a World War 2 veteran from the Signal Corps Training Film Division. The Signal Corps is mostly known for its war changing inventions such as radars and the extremely useful walkie-talkie.

    Later on, in the war, Lee learned how to string together communication lines, and helped in the research to help bounce radio waves off of the moon. Lee was assigned to the Film Corps division of the Signal Corps, where he and 8 others worked on making propaganda, public relations pieces, and information sharing documents.

   Lee recalled, “I wrote training films, I wrote film scripts, I did posters, I wrote instructional manuals, I was one of the great teachers of our time!” Notably, Lee worked with Theodor Giesel, better known as Dr. Seuss.

    Many people believe Lee’s time in the war is what gave him the idea for Captain America.

    Lee’s death has affected many due to his impact on the entertainment world as a whole. Many of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s cast have tweeted out their condolences.

    Robert Downey Jr., otherwise known as Tony Stark, posted on Instagram, “I owe it all to you,,,Rest in Peace Stan.” Chris Evans, who portrays Captain America, also went on to tweet, “There will never be another Stan Lee. For decades he provided both young and old with adventure, escape, comfort, confidence, inspiration, strength, friendship and joy. He exuded love and kindness and will leave an indelible mark on so, so, so many lives. Excelsior!!”

    One of the more in-depth posts came from Hugh Jackman, the actor of Wolverine, who tweeted, “We’ve lost a creative genius. Stan Lee was a pioneering force in the superhero universe. I’m proud to have been a small part of his legacy and …. to have helped bring one of his characters to life,” and then stated on The Tonight Show, “I remember Stan as a true gentleman who had this glint in his eye. He’s a creative genius. He thought outside of the box. He created a whole universe that changed the lives of many people – mine included.”

    While we will all miss the creator of many childhoods, we must remember that he lived a good life, and had the privilege to be able to influence us fans. So, in remembrance of Lee, let us all remember his favorite phrase, “Excelsior!”

Isabella Seccia: A Life of Contradictions


By Breanna Huynh

An insight look at the life of Isabella Seccia, member of the class of 2022 at MVHS.

    “Cool cats and squished rats,” quotes Isabella, a freshman at Mission Viejo High School. Known as Bella to all her friends and family, her quirky, cheerful personality will brighten anyone’s day.

    She is the oldest child in a family of four, having a younger brother named Alessandro. Being an animal lover, especially of dogs, she sadly doesn’t have any pets due to the terrible events leading up to the death of her two dogs, Sweetie and Daisy. Sweetie had digestion issues and Daisy had an infection.

    Besides being an animal lover, Bella’s life is dedicated to dancing. Starting at the age of two, Bella began dancing ballet, moving on to character dancing but prefers ballet over other styles of dance. She used to go to the American Ballet Theatre, Gillespie and Southland Ballet Academy but ended up quitting dance due to her busy schedule.  

    For that reason, Bella’s love of dancing and cheering led her into becoming a member of the pep squad, more specifically song. She’s currently on the MVHS JV Song team and participates in the ROP dance class. Her biggest accomplishment is dancing with the Mariinsky ballet dance company and the ABT Gillespie.

    It was her first performance dancing with a company as well as being the youngest one to be selected and getting to perform with some of the best dancers in Europe. Although dance and cheer is a major part of her life, Bella is dedicated to her studies, striving to become a pathologist.

    Like most of the students at Mission, Bella hopes to finish high school and attend college. Her first choices would have to be University of Irvine, Oregon State or the University of Hawaii.

    Portland, Oregon is, in fact, one of Bella’s most destined places to travel, having been to most of Europe throughout her life.

    Her favorite place in the world is either Amsterdam or Barcelona. Last summer, she went on a trip around Europe and visits there frequently, usually once a year.

    When asked to describe herself, she answered that she is an ambivert. At a first glance, she seems quiet and shy. However, once you get to know her, she becomes more extroverted and loves to talk. One interesting thing about Isabella is that she’s a believer in zodiac signs. Born on the thirteenth of August, her astrology sign is a Leo and her moon sign is Cancer.  

    Her favorite food is poke, mainly crab and seaweed. The same goes for beaches. She likes to go to the beach and walk around but doesn’t like to actually go in it because she doesn’t know how to swim.

    Her favorite genre of music is a mix of indie pop/folk, which includes artists like Billie Eilish. Halloween and Christmas are her two favorite holidays because she loves to decorate.

    Other random facts about Bella is that she’s afraid of the dark, loves German shepherds, and wanted to become a chipmunk after being obsessed with Alvin and the Chipmunks.

    Having many favorites, Bella’s biggest pet peeve is when people bend their fingers. In fact, she hates fingers in general. It disgusts her and she flinches whenever someone does it.

    Through and through, Isabella Seccia is a fun and cheerful person once you get to know her. She may seem shy and quiet on the outside, but her bubbly and humorous side will leave a smile on anyone’s face.

New Year, New Movies!

By Sydney Wilks

Photo Credits to Geeks Media

Say goodbye to new year, new me and hello to brand new movies making their way into theaters in 2019.

    With the holiday season ramping up and 2018 finally coming to an end (did you know there was an Olympics this year?), a slew of new movie trailers and release dates have come out.

    First and most importantly (if you’re a Marvel fanatic), the fourth Avengers movie is being released May 3, 2019. This movie is so badly anticipated that the creators have kept even its title under wraps, among many other things.

    Thanos has wiped out half the universe out of existence and is hiding out somewhere. Now the wait for our remaining heroes to pick up the pieces and return the world to its former glory is on. Shoot, was that a spoiler? Yikes, sorry!

    If you’re a fan of the Avengers, you’re most likely a Star Wars fan as well. Keeping with the theme of releasing the next episodes around Christmas, Star Wars: Episode IX will be released December 20.

    This movie will serve as the finale to the previous two and answer some of those ever-so persistent fan questions.

    Taking the top (and only) spot as the only DC movie Marvel and non-Marvel fans alike would actually pay to watch in theaters, Wonder Woman 2 is coming baby! Is everybody ready for our Amazonian queen to come back in November? Hopefully!

    Captain Marvel? Captain Marvel. As the local girl-power legend that may be putting Captain America out of business, Captain Marvel takes not only the spot as the strongest character in the MCU, but also the first female superhero in the MCU to make in onto film ever!

    Have you had enough of Tom Holland yet? Of course not! Which is why everybody’s more than ecstatic to see Spider-Man 2 coming out in July. Especially after his heartbreaking departure in Infinity War. Was that another spoiler? Whoops, sorry!

    Don’t worry though, the Marvel, DC (kind of), and Star Wars universe won’t be ruling all of 2019. For those who enjoy clown-horror mixed with humor, never fear! It: Chapter 2 floats (haha, get it?) its way to theaters September 2.

    Any children’s movies fans in the crowd? Yes? No? Maybe? Well, at any rate, to cut through the frankly serious and highly anticipated reboots and sequels are some pure children’s movies receiving reboots and sequels of their own!

    Since children and teens alike cannot simply “let it go”, Frozen 2 is making its way to theaters November 27. Who knows, maybe viewers will find out how Olaf stays frosty when it isn’t snowstorming anymore!

    Couldn’t get enough of the first Lego Movie? Well maybe, you really could have, but that’s not the point. The point is, The Lego Movie 2 and all their Minecraft-esque characters are coming back February 8!

    Everybody hold the phone, a live action Aladdin is being released and that means we’ll be able to witness Will Smith play the iconic genie. Don’t you wish this movie would come out before May 24?

    With Andy off to college, we all thought it was the end of an era. However, Toy Story 4 is all set to return June 20 as Buzz Lightyear and Sheriff Woody reach for the sky to find Bo Peep and bring her back home.

    Can anyone tell us what the 40’s were like? Somebody, anybody? Well, at any rate, the originally 64-minute Disney short Dumbo is finally getting the justice it deserves and being turned into a live action film to be released late March.

    Remember The Lion King? Hopefully you have and still do, because a live action version of The Lion King is coming mid-July! From animated movie to broadway adaptation and now live action, this movie has come a long way.

    One of the most popular animated movie series of all time, How To Train Your Dragon, will reach its conclusion in March 2019. Hiccup is now a grown man with a beard that would put Steve Rogers to shame (no shade though!).

    It also seems as though Toothless is getting himself a girlfriend. As it turns out, he wasn’t the last of his species. Cuffing season can be any season, right guys?

    Although 2019 may seem like a long time away (and it really does, you’re not alone), there’s a plethora of movies to be looking forward to and many more that weren’t listed here. There’s going to be something for everybody.

    If all else fails, and you really dislike movies, there’s always a bingeable series on Netflix or Hulu.

Top 10 Best Holiday Movies

Picture credits to Country Living Magazine

By Savannah Ross

Every year it is a traditional to watch as many Christmas movies as possible, and these 10 are a must see!
   It is that time of year again: Time to decorate your house, wrap the presents, drink hot chocolate, and of course, watch every Christmas movie that you can.
    The first must see is The Polar Express. On Christmas Eve, a young boy embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar Express, while learning about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas.
    The second Christmas movie to get you into the holiday spirit is Elf. This movie is sweet and funny, though it cannot quite seem to make up its mind whether people should need proof of Santa’s existence or not.
    Another must see christmas movie is definitely Home Alone. This is a good-natured, albeit unrealistic, family film that both kids and adults will enjoy.
    Hundreds of people believe that this movie is “one of the best funny Christmas movies ever made very funny anyone can watch.”
     The Santa Clause movie, as well as the sequels, are a must see as well. Divorced dad Scott (Tim Allen) has custody of his son (Eric Lloyd) on Christmas Eve.
    After he accidentally kills a man in a Santa suit, they are magically transported to the North Pole, where an elf explains that Scott must take Santa’s place before the next Christmas arrives.
    The jokes in this movie are funny for adults as for kids.
    The fifth Christmas movie to watch during the holidays is Miracle on 34th Street. This is a must see classic made in 1947.
    An old man named Kris Kringle (Edmund Gwenn) fills in for an intoxicated Santa in Macy’s annual Thanksgiving Day parade. Kringle proves to be such a hit that he is soon appearing regularly at the chain’s main store in midtown Manhattan.
    The Grinch who Stole Christmas has been watched worldwide since 2000. On the outskirts of Whoville, there lives a green, revenge-seeking Grinch who plans on ruining the Christmas holiday for all of the citizens of the town.
    A Charlie Brown Christmas is always essential holiday viewing, even after over 50 years. Charlie Brown, is having trouble getting into the festive holiday spirit.
    In true Charlie Brown style, his response to this perfectly natural feeling is to beat himself up with an extra helping of self-loathing.
    The ninth best Christmas movie to see at least once is Christmas with the Kranks. Finally alone for the holidays, Luther (Tim Allen) and Nora Krank (Jamie Lee Curtis) plan to eschew the Christmas traditions and take a cruise in the Caribbean instead.
    This doesn’t sit well with their Christmas-obsessed neighbors Vic Frohmeyer (Dan Aykroyd) and Walt Scheel (M. Emmet Walsh), who are determined to win the annual “best decorated street” competition.
    The last must see Christmas movie The Nightmare Before Christmas. Although there has been high debate whether or not this movie is a Christmas or Halloween movie, regardless which one it is, it should be watched.
    The film follows the misadventures of Jack Skellington, Halloweentown’s beloved pumpkin king, who has become bored with the same annual routine of frightening people in the “real world.”
     When Jack accidentally stumbles on Christmastown, all bright colors and warm spirits, he gets a new lease on life and plots to bring Christmas under his control by kidnapping Santa Claus and taking over the role.
    Now that you know some great, classic Christmas movies to watch during this Holiday season with your family: grab a fuzzy blanket, some warm, hot chocolate and cuddle up on the couch! Happy Holidays!