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Ways to Give Back


By Sophia Haque

Kiana Ghaemi volunteering at a shelter helping to get dogs adopted!

Acts of Kindness That Really Give Back!

    With holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Hanukkah coming up, many people are feeling spirited and the need to give back. During the holiday season, many people believe that it is important to give back.

    These acts of giving can include the community, friends, and family. Considering the current state of our world, a little deed can make a large impact. Even if it only affects one person.

    Helpful ways to give back can be as big as making a donation or small, random acts of kindness. Although being generous this season seems like a must, you should attempt to be doing this as often as possible, throughout the year.

    Some people may ask why even bother to volunteer or give back to the community. Everyone in their life has received help in one way or another. Whether you realize and accept this fact, or not, is another thing. Therefore, you should give back too.

    As a result, people have a somewhat, not always obvious, debt to repay. Things you may have not realized were helpful deeds could be a classmate taking the time to explain a topic more clearly to you, your sibling taking time to drive you to a friends house, or your mom making a special homecooked meal.

    Although you may have neglected the fact that these were somewhat small, helpful, deeds, it can fuel the motivation for you to give back.

    Some ways you can give back to the community is by donating and/or volunteering. It is really important to help and support those in need when you can. Sometimes all it takes to flourish is a little push of support which you could help provide.

    With all the recent fires in California, many families have been displaced and are in need of basic necessities like food, water, and clothes. A local, nonprofit, organization you can donate to is the “California Community Foundation: Wildfire Relief Fund.” They will help provide families in need with donations which you could provide.

     With the holiday season near, Farrah Morris recommends donating to charities like “Toys for Tots”, “…that give presents and toys to children whose parents can’t afford to.”

    You could also possibly contribute to the community by volunteering. Popular places to volunteer are food banks, senior centers, shelters, and children hospitals.

    Somewhat smaller deeds that you can incorporate into your week, or even your day, can include helping your family with chores, leaving a note in your friends’ locker saying how much you appreciate them, and/or even baking sweets, like cookies, for your neighbors.

    Simple random acts of kindness like this will brighten their day, inspire them, and hopefully help de-stress. Helping you contribute to the creation of a positive, beneficial world.

    You never know who is having a tough day, and giving back/random acts of kindness really can go a long way.  

    During this holiday season, participate in things that help give back, so that when you are receiving it feels well deserved.

The 25th Annual Putnam Spelling Bee

By Jessie Karn

The play that will have you laughing every single minute and wishing you were on stage.

      A play about six misfits who are trying to take the title of Putnam County spelling bee champion. The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee is a comedic musical that features over 20 songs. The cast brought the characters to life and at some points of the play, it felt as though it was an actual spelling bee.

     The spellers consisted of  Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre, Leaf Coneybear, William Barfée, Marcy Park, Olive Ostrovsky, and Chip Tolentino.  The judges for the spelling bee are Rona Lisa Peretti and Vice Principal Panch. Mitch Mahoney was the intimidating but kind security guard who had to send the spellers off after they missed a word.

       Logainne is played by Kayla Holiday, who capsulated the perfect image of a girl who really wants to win the spelling bee title to impress her dads. Ethan Cox plays Leaf, he embodied the unique boy who was always seen as not too smart by others, many doubt Leaf considering he was second runner-up in the qualifying bee.

     Charlie Massey plays a boy who believes he has a magic foot which gives him all the answers for the bee; his character is known as William Barfée. Marcy is the girl whom all the spellers fear due to her rapid spelling skills, Marcy is played by Sedona Taloma, who portrays the character perfectly.

     Emily Boyer plays the part of Olive, a girl who feels lost due to her parents not being able to come to see her compete in the spelling bee. Chip is played by Carson, Carson’s character was last years winner, who does not make it too far in the spelling bee due to some “becoming a young man” issues.

      The host of the spelling bee, Rona, is played by Sarah Smith, who captures Rona in an incredible manner. Rona wishes to go back to her glory days when she won the spelling bee. Vice Principal Panch is a judge for the bee who has a past history of aggressive outburst when the contestants are distracted, Liam Shannon encaptures the character flawlessly. Mitch Mahoney, the volunteer security guard, is played by Adnan Maksoud and he nailed the part by showing tough guys can have big hearts. The rest of the cast also crushed it overall through the extra energy they brought to the stage.

      At the beginning of Act 1, audience members were called up to the stage to participate in the spelling bee. The audience participation created a fun environment and caused even more laughs. Every time the spellers from the audience went up, a fun fact about the speller was stated before they were given the word they had to spell. The on the spot facts they came up with caused a lot of chuckles from the crowd.

      The drama program put together an incredible play, from the costumes to the choreography. Every component was executed remarkably, Jacob Beaver put together choreography that perfectly fit the play and created a sense of cohesiveness to every scene. Brigit Colwell, Emy Francisco, and Mia Hanson created costumes that helped with telling the stories of the characters, bringing even more personality to the show. Every part of the production staff created a marvelous show that made you wish you could have been a part of the show.

     MVHS Drama never fails to disappoint, so if you did not see The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, make sure to see their upcoming plays. Their upcoming plays are The Adventures of Pinnochio, IB One-Act Plays, Mayhem Dinner Theatre, and High School Musical. Tickets for the upcoming plays can be purchased at mvhsdrama.com or at the door.

What’s Your Horoscope

Find out what is to come through your zodiac sign

photo credits to Natalie Freire

     Horoscopes are known to show your future and how it affects you, as well as the people around you. Your birthday defines which zodiac sign you belong to. Depending on your zodiac sign, what you expect this December will vary.

     An Aries, this month you may experience some difficulty with patience for other people. After the long and tiring journey of the year 2018 this month will become the tranquility you have imaged in your head. That may include finding the winning lottery numbers and winning millions.

    The December horoscope for the Taurus highlights many important points. People born with this sign will experience increase in their abilities. This month will bring lots of stress, so remember that you should finish this month peacefully.

     December would really help a Gemini build up their confidence and focus on a goal they would like to achieve. Your self esteem should rise and help point you to the right direction. A Gemini will finally be able to strut their stuff with confidence.

    This month, for a Cancer,  will help them realize that they are hard working and have been all along. Although there are benefits, you may experience betrayal connecting to someone you truly care about. It may be tough for a Cancer but they will get through it.

    Next month a Leo will face some challenges, but all will turn into good. The month of December could also give Leos a chance to reconnect with their family. They will deal with unfinished work but once its done it will fill them with much relief.

    A Virgo may caused to become more careful during December. You need to balance out your advantages and disadvantages. Most importantly you need to figure out what you want. But if you aren’t ready to receive then you must wait.

     Libras will pull themselves out of their comfort zone and decided what it is that they need to change in your life to become happier. This chance will come if Libras try to seek it. It may be difficult and frustrating at times with the people around them but clearing it up should be very easy.

   For a Scorpio, there is a chance that one of their  talents or skills could play a huge role in the month of December. A stranger that  a Scorpio meets might be an answer to what you have been searching for.An item that has meaning to you that has been lost may even turn up in this month.  

    A Sagittarius, may start the month of December with a little bit of negative feelings about an event and how it will plan out. There is a possibility that you will also make a new friend based off of something you both have in common.  

    December = Capricorn season!  December may help a Capricorn release some feelings they have been keeping hidden from them self and others. Capricorns will find someone that they trust and let all that they have had on their mind out. they will feel freedom once their emotions are finally out in the open.

    An Aquarius will find themselves concerned about the amount of money they spend. You may be lodging on something you would like to get that you don’t physically need but think it may make you happier. An argument can surface around the middle of December for an Aquarius. Be extra cautious and don’t say everything that comes to mind.

    Finally, for the Pisces, they will  realize that one of their past actions has affected other people. they might experience betrayal and a rivalry between two very close people.  Yet, by the end of the month a Pisces will or should have many reasons to celebrate.

    December will bring lots of joy and stress for all the zodiac signs but everyone should enjoy the joy that is brought for the mount of time it lasts.

The Return of Diablo Heat

By: Michael Murg

With the return of Diablo Heat in its 22nd season, the challenging task of the show lies within the hands of this year’s cast and crew.

    Mission’s annual tradition of the comedy and news show, Diablo Heat, came to a halt last year. Instead of Diablo Heat, the film program at Mission took a different approach and became more of a film-school styled class.  After the year ended, it was apparent that the faculty and students at Mission had a great desire for Diablo Heat to return. Now that desire will be fulfilled

    Although you may have just heard that Diablo Heat is returning, or maybe you just learned what Diablo Heat is, members of the cast and crew have been working on the show even before the school year started. Mr. Harnack, the teacher for advanced video at Mission, scheduled three workshops over the summer to better prepare the class for the upcoming year.

    The three workshops focused on news, comedy, and opening titles. For the comedy workshop, Mr. Harnack was able to get Mission graduate and Comedysportz legend, David Neil to help get the team off the ground. David led a table write for the show’s first comedy sketch, “Freshman Survival Guide”, which is a piece about different strategies freshman can use to “not die” at Mission. This sketch is obviously  not meant to be taken seriously, but for entertainment purposes instead.

    For the news workshop, cast and crew discussed new and upcoming events at Mission, that would be good to inform the students of MVHS. Some members of the crew were able to film the first two football games at mission, with camera angles from the booth, sideline, and end zone.

    The team met again, and was able to write the opening titles for this years show. They would later film the opening titles during the last weekend of summer at Doheny State Beach. These opening titles have inspired this years Diablo Heat logo, which is Pablo the Diablo surfing on a  massive wave.

    Although the team is working hard and putting much effort into to the show, are they really ready to put on a 20 minute show?

    I was able to ask Caitlin Ree, the producer and head editor of the first show, how the making of the first show has been going. She replied, “Because we didn’t have it last year, it’s been a new process for all of us. But the cast and crew have come together, and I look forward to this new year.” She seemed very optimistic towards the cast and crew, and their adjustments to the new format.

    The Diablo Heat cast and crew consists of twelve students in total; one senior, one sophomore, and ten juniors. Although there is only one senior on the team, nine of the twelve students  have participated in Video 1 and Video 2 at Mission. However, there is a big leap from doing the morning news show, “What’s Up Mission”, to completing a 20 minute show.

    Mr. Harnack was asked about how he would compare this year’s Diablo Heat cast and crew to years in the past. “ They are very good, just as good as any other cast and crew I’ve had. They are a little in-experienced because we missed a year… We don’t have seniors leading the way.” Although they have lack of experience, after 21 previous seasons of Diablo Heat, it is good news that he has faith in this years cast and crew.

    Kayla Holliday is one of the ten Juniors on the team, and she will be on the cast for season 22. Kayla had not participated in Mission’s Film program until this year. When asked how she has adjusted to the class she said, “It’s been good, the team has been very welcoming to the new members, and have taught me new things about the art of video”. She later exclaimed that everyone gets along in the class and they have had a lot of fun so far.

    Episode 1 of Season 22 of Diablo Heat aired during tutorial on September 21st. Cast and crew hoped everyone watched  and enjoyed their hard work. There is much to look forward to for Diablo Heat this year, not just for the students making it, but for the ones watching as well.


The Problem with Dress code: this “painful necessity” is an issue contributing to deeper systematic issues


Kendall Stout

     Dress code is a heavily debated top around teens.

    It is something they can speak knowledgeably about from experience and offer many different perspectives.

    Aside from the obvious stances embedded in personal benefits such as self-expression from one side and an added institutionalized reason to judge someone by the other, when this issue is debated, other ones are surfaced and discussed.

    One of the most popular arguments is that the rule of hiding midriffs, undergarments and shoulders contribute to rape culture by enforcing victim blaming. Instead of trusting men and others to respect people regardless of how much skin one is showing, it becomes the victim’s fault.

    This whole issue is even more questionable in the high school education system where the topic is on minors.

    A female, 16, says she feels “sexualized by forty-year-old men” and that “it makes [her] uncomfortable” when asked to cover up her body by male authoritative figures.

    Telling a woman she is responsible for someone’s sexual thoughts is not only misleading but systematically oppressing.

    The reason so many people break the dress code rules knowing they’ll be reprimanded is because they’re just being themselves and expressing their humanity.

    However, like many things in school, censorship becomes an ideal instead of proper explanations on appropriate behavior.

    Ten-year-old London begins to explain, “it feels like teachers are always looking to embarrass their students. Like, I didn’t wear an appropriate shirt because all of them were in the wash.”

    This is an issue of practicality and it is one that many struggle with.

    The most popular clothing stores tend to follow the trends, meaning that crop tops are more accessible.

    People buy what they sell, and not everything a girl does is for someone else.

    Women actually have the ability to gather up their own opinions, pinpointing what they like and feel good in. Not every woman feels the most confident in a sweatshirt, and it shouldn’t be a crime to show your shoulders.

    The fact that it needs to even be brought up, as if an adolescent’s shoulders cause for arousal is more of an issue of the mind than an innocent teenage girl, trying to feel confident.

One argument for dress code is to stimulate a distraction-free environment. But, this is put to shame when recognizing the possible punishments.

    One punishment for showing a bra strap, midriff, or shoulder equates to being sent home on the third offense.

    Nothing is more distracting than being stripped away from your right to learn and forced home because of your stomach. Not only is it insulting, but it is ironic.

    Another punishment(which is even worse), is wearing the school’s designated dress code apparel.

    One has never felt more popular than in a dress code t-shirt.

    Dozens of people suddenly care what you were wearing and how it all went down.

    People end up snapchatting it, and suddenly you’re the face of a new feminist club about terminating the dress code system.  

    It’s as distracting as it gets (besides being sent home).

    Boys agree that this system is not only ineffective but also harmful to their stereotype which is painted as a boy who has no self-control and is easily distracted.

    There is also the possibility that the skin showing doesn’t have an impact on the dwindling mind of a pubescent male anyway, because there are many loopholes for showing off your body in ways the dress code can’t calibrate.

     Dress code isn’t the only inexplicable and random rule, but it is one that is losing more and more support as the generations learn about self-love and activism.


Meet the New MVHS Staff


Eja Fromm

Meet the new staff at Mission and get to know how they add to the Diablo family.

      Mission Viejo High School: a school full of diversity and prosperity. Mission is widely known all over the world because of its astounding accomplishments. Our staff is one of the key parts that operates MVHS to make us such a strong school.  These are the new elite staff members at Mission Viejo High School.

    The first interview was with Mrs. Kiakotos, a guidance counselor for last names A-D. While she was a junior in college, Mrs. Kiakotos decided to become a guidance counselor after her best friend told her she is the only reason she went to college. This had a big impact on her as she believes she can be “that one person in someone else’s life to encourage them to continue their education into college.”

    Mrs. Kiakotos is originally from Anaheim, but has moved around parts of California since. She loves everything about Mission including the wonderful group of students and teachers we have here.

    When asked how much high school has changed since she was a student, her response was, “The increase in social media, style, and the competition kids have with each other.”

    Her advice for freshmen is if you’re ever going through something to go see your counselor and everything will be okay. Her favorite quote is “If you believe, you can achieve.”

    Another teacher that is new to our campus is Mrs. Trench. Mrs. Trench got what she expected when she decided to become an English teacher here at Mission. She loves teaching juniors and being a part of yearbook. She described all the teachers as very supportive and kind.

    She first taught elementary school kids, but she wasn’t a fan of the job. That’s when she made the decision to teach high schoolers. She says high school hasn’t changed that much since she was in it. However, chromebooks are new compared to handwriting all their notes.

    Mrs. Trench grew up in south Orange County, and she graduated from Trabuco Hills High School. It wasn’t easy choosing a quote of the day from her wall of many. We ended up deciding the best one was, “strive for progress, not perfection.”

    Next up was Mr. Klein, our schools new speech pathologist. A speech pathologist is specialized in treating speech and language problems. He states that the staff and students made it very easy to be the new guy. He claimed that style is one of the major changes that he has noticed since he was a high schooler. He said, “When I was in high school it was cool to wear oversized t-shirts and designer jeans. I’m happy that’s not currently a thing I am noticing.”

    Mr. Klein decided to pursue his career when he was a junior at Loyola Marymount University, “I approached a professor about a lecture that I loved and she pointed me to this career path thinking it best fit my interests.” He said it wasn’t easy figuring out what you want to do when you are young.

    His advice for freshmen is to be open to new things and people. He played baseball as a freshman and loved being part of the team, and stated,“I would recommend joining a club or sport.”

    He wasn’t prepared with a quote of the day but after some thought his final answer was, “Success is a measure of progress.”  

    Finally, there is Mrs. Contreras, who is no stranger to MVHS as she was a student teacher last year. She claims our school is like her high school, Los Osos High School. It helps to have a familiar environment.

    She knew she wanted to become a math teacher since 4th grade. She graduated 5 years ago and the only real difference is how we use technology.

    Mrs. Contreras has a new quote on her whiteboard everyday. The quote on September 17th was “don’t let yesterday’s disappointments keep you from tomorrow’s dreams.”

    It was a pleasure to interview the incredible new staff at MVHS. The staff and the student body are what make our high school outstanding.


ASB’s Future Plans


Natalie Freire

ASB starts off the year with new ideas to make this year great.

Taken by Natalie Freire

   Our ASB board  has many exciting activities planned for us Diablos throughout this school year. The Welcome Dance is just one example of the fun that ASB will bring  and the kind of ideas that get diablos all pumped up for this school year.

    For now, their main focus is the Homecoming Dance. At Mission Viejo High School, the Homecoming Dance is on Saturday, October 6th. When asked Allie Casarietti, Commissioner of girls athletics,  about the planning of the dance Allie said,“We have lots of moving parts right now.”

    ASB is in charge of picking a theme for all of our dances which include Homecoming, Winter Formal, and of course, Prom. If you haven’t heard the theme of our Homecoming dance this year, it’s all around the world. With Homecoming just a few weeks away, ASB has been busy working on the decorations,  the Homecoming pep assembly, and spirit week.

     The Homecoming halftime show, which will be happening the day before the dance, is being practiced often. The upperclassmen are going in the MPR or Little Gym every Tuesday during tutorial to practice the routine that was put together by Reagen Kirby, one of Mission Viejo’s Pep Squad, Varsity Song Captains. While the under class men are going on in every Thursdays.

    This halftime dance will be performed on October 5th during the Homecoming game on Missions field.

    After asking if ASB is doing anything new or  different from last year, Allie replied with, “This year we are introducing something new for Homecoming week and are doing noon time activities.”

    Another activity that is being thought out at the moment is the Mission Armed Forces game and pep assembly. Homecoming week is to be thought of as an exciting week making everyone eager see ASB’s amazing ideas put out into action.

    Besides homecoming, our ASB has been trying to strengthen their class council program. ASB is trying to make that a bigger part of our school government so that they can have the student body’s feedback.

    After asking another one of our freshman members, Riley Cooke, about ASB she said, “ASB is super fun!” Riley also added that ASB is also in charge of planning pep rallies.

    Spirit days and football games are just some other responsibilities of ASB. When you’re at a football game, just think of all the hard work that ASB is putting in to make them so much fun.

    Our future spirit days are known to be exciting and fun. Going all out is important for supporting ASB with what they do.

    The posters that are put on the walls are always a  reminder of what’s going to happen soon. So in the future , if you ever want to be up to date with the upcoming events just look for the posters that are hung around our school campus.

    ASB is so much more than what has been mentioned, so diablos, give a huge thanks for all the hard work that they put into making our school a fun place to be.


Skripal Losing His Nerve


Madison Burnam

The Recent Murder That Took Place of an Ex-Russian Double Agent

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       On Sunday the Second of September a horrifying assassination attempt unraveled itself when Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were found unconscious on a park bench and taken immediately to the hospital in which it was figured out there was a deadly nerve agent in their system.  

       This all started on what was supposed to be an uneventful day in Britain, where a daughter was to meet her father for a nice lunch.  This was not so when an attempt on both their lives came near successful.

       Sergei Skripal was targeted was for his part as a Russian Intelligence double agent for Britain, which was used a plausible reason for an attempted murder from the Russian government to go after the traitor.  

       This is also evident through the multiple veiled threats that Russia released at the same time of the incident on the public news channel a male anchor stated “Traitors, or those who simply hate their country in their free time. Don’t choose Britain as a place to live.Something is wrong there. Maybe, it’s the climate, but in recent years there have been too many strange incidents with grave outcomes there,”.

       This quote alludes to the previous mysterious deaths of past Russian traitors or double agents that were mysteriously killed in Britain under almost the same type of poisoning agent which is called Novicho.  The very same poison that is affiliated with Russia directly which only strengthens the suspicion directed towards Russia. Alike to a previous target Alexander Litvinenko in 2006 who was a former officer in Russia and not only accused but criticised Putin publicly.  He was also killed by poisoning.

       This is also sadly not the first time that Sergei Skirpal’s life was targeted or in danger.  Only a couple of years before this incident his brother and son had also died due to mysterious causes,to which Russia was suspected but the investigation eventually led nowhere.  

       There has still been some progress throughout this story, as the assassins identified as Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov,who fled the scene when the crime had taken place.  They were seen at the airport taking a flight back to Moscow. Which leaves Russia to blame, both the Britain Government and People asked for their arrest but to no avail on the Russian side.  

       During this little incident, over twenty one people had to get treated for poisoning, two of which were innocent bystanders who happened across the vile the nerve agent was being held in.  One of the bystanders was in critical condition, but is slowly recovering and the other was pronounced dead in the hospital.

       This event has truly made not only Britain, but the world as a whole aware of the cruel and malicious actions of Russia which are soon to cause an uproar against this injustice.  Until then a punishment is still yet to come to the assailants.


Drax is Calling Hacks

Madison Burnam

The Story Behind Dave Bautista’s outburst on Guardians of the Galaxy 3

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       We all know the lovable, huge, blue warrior from Guardians of the Galaxy, if not for his comedy but for his vital and thrilling role in the franchise.  Drax brang happiness and humor to the movies but not without his own deep and meaningful moments. The Guardians of the Galaxy without Drax is like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the bread.  It’s all wrong and missing something crucial and enjoyable. Not only did Drax bring happiness and humor to the movies but deep and meaningful moments that truly touched the audience. We may have to adapt to this strange new thought soon for Dave Bautista has told the world about his impending deadline.  

       The tweets dating back to 2008-2011 when James Gunn the director and genius behind the ever growing Guardians of the Galaxy was discovered to have tweets that contained pedophilia and rape content.  Gunn has stated that they were just “offensive jokes.”

       Marvel’s strict authority has fired James Gunn from directing the next Guardians of the Galaxy movie and is considering abandoning the script he wrote all together.  

       Dave Bautista was quick to join the fray and defend Gunn with his own tweets stating, “Nobody’s defending his tweets, but this was a smear campaign on a good man.”Bautista also went as far as threatening to take himself out of the next Guardians of the Galaxy under the assumption that it will not use Gunn’s script and work.  He also stated, “I will do what I’m legally obligated to do but @Guardians without @JamesGunn is not what I signed up for. GOTG w/o @JamesGunn just isn’t GOTG. It’s also pretty nauseating to work for someone who’d empower a smear campaign by fascists #cybernazis . That’s just how I feel.”

       Dave Bautista also discussed leaving the movie and contract if possible, due to the current strenuous circumstances.  He states “Where I’m at right now is that if [Marvel] don’t use that script, then I’m going to ask them to release me from my contract, cut me out or recast me.”

       Some fans are not only worrying about the impending loss of Drax in the future films but also the rest of the gang.  This happened to have also crossed Bautista’s mind to which he responded with a tweet of his own saying “I spoke to Chris Pratt the day after it happened and he’s a bit religious so he wanted time to pray and figure it out, but I was more like: f*ck this.”  

       As Dave Bautista continues to support and help James Gunn through this situation with continued statements like “I’d be doing James a disservice if I didn’t,” as well as, “ This is bullsh*t. James is one of the kindest, most decent people I’ve met.”It is now entirely likely that there will now be an absence in the next Guardians of the Galaxy movie which could only ever be filled by Drax in the hearts of the fans and other movie watchers.


Vaping: an Epidemic


Jacob Schwarz

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Source: Reddit

Can I get a pod, bro?

    E-cigarettes, seemingly harmless and safe, were originally created as a tool for addicted smokers to use in order to put their harmful cigarette-using past behind them. However, the creation of these E-cigs(a.k.a vapes) has created unintended implications, especially in the teen age-range.

    E-cigs currently represent one of the largest global industries and they are projected to be worth 43 billion dollars by 2023(according to PR Newswire). Although, the industry hasn’t necessarily grown because of the recovering adults that this product was created for.

    The industry has instead grown due to the youth(teen and young adult) usage of this product. The adolescent population has most likely become hooked on these vapes because a friend or family member uses them, the availability of the fruity flavors is appealing, and the belief and advertisement that this is a much safer product than other forms of tobacco(ex: cigarettes).

    However, you may ask where and how the underage minors have gotten ahold of these addictive vapes. Well, it is much easier to do than one may think. These minors can purchase these reasonably inexpensive vapes by getting an older friend or family member to purchase it for them or they can easily buy it off another friend who already has one. Additionally, when you take into consideration that about 20% of all high schoolers have vaped(per PsychiatricNews.com), it is clear to see that it is not difficult to get ahold of one of these popular devices.

     The most popular E-cigs are JUULS. JUULS are by far the most popular vapes and these USB compatible devices can easily be charged, restocked with new pods, and used frequently. Although the restocking of pods can eventually make this product a very expensive investment, the addiction and vaping takeover have influenced the continual buying of these vape products.

    The vaping and JUULing epidemic has furthermore created national slang. The references “Why are there toilets in the JUUL room?” and “No length is too far to get a rip of the JUUL” are repeated daily on a nationwide scale. The phrase “Why are there toilets in the JUUL room?” is calling attention to the fact that most high school bathrooms are no longer used for going to the bathroom but have rather become “vape havens” for the fiends so addicted to the nic buzz that they feel the constant urge to use the bathrooms to vape.

    High school bathroom problems have officially shifted from immature boys seeing how far back they could stand without missing the miniscule 12 by 16 inch urinals(which is actually an extraordinary feat) to the new use of bathrooms as a “vape asylum.”

    In response to this “vaping epidemic” among mostly high school and college-aged kids, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration(the FDA) has stated that they are “going to be taking some enforcement actions very soon to target companies that (they) think are marketing products in ways that they’re deliberately appealing to kids.”

    Although smart for the FDA to help out, how much can they really do in a society of vape hungry teens? To all you underage vape fiends out there, even though the FDA may be trying to crack down on you, don’t worry because the vapes most likely will be going nowhere soon- the FDA cannot do that much to stop the underage vaping.

    Even though it may look like these vapes are detrimental and ruinous to the kid users from an adult perspective, these vapes seem a perfect alternative to almost all teens. They so far have been proven safer, they are fun to use and cool tricks can be performed if you’re an experienced vapor(examples of some fun tricks:  https://vapingdaily.com/what-is-vaping/vape-tricks/ ), and they are a good alternative to worse and more dangerous drugs. In fact, opium and drinking usage by teens has been at all time lows in recent years- and almost definitely because of the rise in E-cigs.

    As long as these vapes are kept off campus so that you don’t walk into a “phat cloud” every time you enter a high school bathroom, they seem to be a perfect and fun device(when used in moderation).